"We knew it would take off, but we weren't expecting it to fly!"Don't get me wrong, we're thrilled with the level of success, we just weren't quite prepared to keep up with all the demands on our time, imagination and skills. We're finding balance. One of the list of points we discussed as part of our Mission Statement right from the get-go was to produce helpful tips, share insights, and just be available in general to the blogging community. After all, we were all novice bloggers at one time, and it can be overwhelming and confusing if you're starting the whole process alone.
My focus for this blog is one that I have known for quite some time about maximizing copy in blog format, but I had forgotten it in the midst of holiday and birthing of AB insanity. The concept of which I speak is to format your content in such a manner that makes it easily scannable for key, "hot" or tag words. This makes SEO, or Search Engine Optimization much easier and creates a document that is more easily categorized out there in cyberland.
The process is easy. As you read this blog post, notice the words I have highlighted. They are the ones that will be considered as "hot" or key words to any search engine. In addition to this valuable formatting, highlighting key words also gives more movement and visual appeal, balance and excitement to your content. Imagine this blog post without the highlighted key words. It would read the same and have the same content value. However, with key words highlighted, there is more visual recognition and the reader's eye will take in the copy in smaller "bites" ensuring less visual exhaustion, per se.
I'm sure you've started out reading a blog that went on for what felt like centuries, to the point that eventually, you grew so tired of waiting for the author to make their point and come to final conclusion that you just deleted the page and moved on. Right? I know I have done that. Heck, let's be honest - I'm personally guilty of writing that very type of endless blog. Sometimes it takes reading endless, involved blogs to remind us, as writers, that brevity is valuable in blogging format. This isn't written in stone, of course, but it is an important rule of thumb to keep in mind.
From a reader's perspective, keeping each paragraph succinct, clear in message and visually appealing guarantees that you will hold people's attention. Breaking text, or content up with highlighting key words, keeping each paragraph relatively short and staying withing a reasonable length will guarantee that your readers will enjoy their time on your blog page. They'll be more inclined to keep pulling up your blog to read new posts and will be more likely to suggest your blog to other people to read and follow. That is your ultimate goal, to gain a solid readership.
Now, in the theme of brevity, I will close and hope that this new series of Blogging Tips 101 proves to be of value to you, our readers. Please feel free to write comments and suggest future topics for our Blogging Tips series. We're always open to working on anything that provides encouragement and education to the blogging community at large.
Dawn S.
Author, Healing Morning blog
Author, The Authentic Blogger blog
Co-Creator, Authentic Blogger group